The Complete Guide to Uttarakhand: Everything You Need to Know Before You Go

“Uttarakhand Travelogue: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Himalayas”

Uttarakhand is a state of India that is situated in the northern part of India, just west of Nepal and on the Tibet border.


On November 9, 2000, Uttaranchal was admitted as the 27th state of the Republic of India. The name of the state was officially changed from Uttaranchal to Uttarakhand in January 2007.

We will explore more about Uttaranchal Culture (Food and Dining, fairs and Festivals, Music and Folk Dance, Art and crafts, etc) later. The population of Uttarakhand state is 10,086,292. Uttarakhand has 189 people per square kilometer. The state of Uttarakhand is 53,483 square kilometers. Dehradun is the capital city of Uttarakhand and is located in the Garhwal region.The Honorable High Court of Uttarakhand State is situated in District Nainital.

The territory of Uttarakhand is very diverse, with snow-capped mountains, verdant hills, lush valleys, meandering rivers, and flourishing lakes all contributing to the area’s natural splendor. Uttarakhand is also known as the Abode of the gods (Dev Bhoomi), there are several highly venerated pilgrimage places.

Due to their religious significance, travelers to Uttarakhand must see Kedarnath, Badrinath, Hemkund Sahib, Gangotri, Yamunotri, Jageshwar, Bageshwar, Rishikesh, and Haridwar. No matter how big or tiny, every hilltop or bend is known to have a temple, which the inhabitants regard as extremely sacred.

The History of Uttarakhand

The History of Uttarakhand
The History of Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand, also known as the ‘Abode of Gods’ (Dev Bhoomi), has a long and rich past. Uttarakhand literally means northern country or part in Sanskrit, this name is also found in ancient literature. The majestic Himalayas, the origin of many holy rivers, the Ganga being one of them and having a large number of pilgrimages, Uttarakhand seems to be an ideal choice for the deities to choose their home.

But it’s not just religion that defines this beautiful state. Being the recipient of the 2007-2007–08e Tourism Awards, it has attractions such as trekking, rock climbing, white water rafting, skiing and ,life and unique flora and fauna.

Early history

Garhwal has been given a lot of respect by Hindus. The Vishnu Purana, Mahabharata and Varahasamhita texts mention several tribes living on the borders of India at that time and among them the Sakas, Nagas, Khasas, Hunas and Kirats probably lived in the present day Garhwal-Kumaon region. The Saka were perhaps the oldest ruling castes of the Kumaon hills.

They have also been referred to as Sakae by classical writers of history and as Indo-Scythians by modern ethnographers. The royal families of both the Kumaon and Garhwal hills are probably descendants of the famous Salivahanas.

The enigmatic race known as the Nagas has left behind numerous remnants. They were apparently a race for whom the hooded serpent was sacred and later legends have identified members of the tribe with their symbol.

Writing a history of India, Wheeler (as quoted by Walton 1910) describes them in the following words, “In Garhwal, traces of the Nagas in the name of the belts Nagpur and Urgam and the universal tradition of their residence in the valley of Alaknanda.

At present, Sheshnag is honoured at Pandukeshwar, Bhakal Nag at Ratgaon, Sangal Nag at Talor, Banpur Nag at Margao, Lohand Nag at Jhelum in Neeti Ghati and Pushkar Nag at Nagnath in Nagpur.

The name is of great significance. Garhwal and Kumaon were the main castes in the hills until the arrival of Rajputs and Brahmins from the plains. Some writers believe that like the Nagas, the Khasas were once a very powerful caste and came from Central Asia to settle in Garhwal.

Today’s Khas claim to be Rajputs who have fallen from their once respectable status due to the need to live in conditions where it was difficult to strictly adhere to the ceremonial usages of their religion. They are, perhaps, the numerically most dominant caste in the Garhwal hills, although the line of division between them and later migrants from the plains is now eroded.

In the early era, Garhwal was ruled by a number of minor princes, who at a later date assumed the form of a loose confederacy or baoni of about fifty-two kingdoms. It is not very clear whether these chiefs had overlordship of the more powerful kings of the plains. Based on local traditions and ancient inscriptions, it can be assumed that two or three major kingdoms or principalities were more important.

These are, first of all, the Brahmapura described by the famous Chinese traveller Huen Tsang in 629 A.D. Although the exact boundaries of this state are not known, it must have been somewhere in central Garhwal, perhaps Barahat in Tehri; And second, Jyotirdham or Joshimath, which was the capital of another important ancient kingdom covering parts of present-day Garhwal and Kumaon. It was ruled by the Katyuris.

Medieval period

In the medieval period, the region was consolidated into two distinct regions: the Kumaon region and the Garhwal region. The kingdoms in these two regions belonged to the rulers of the plains: Chand Raja in Kumaon and Parmar or Panwar Raja in Garhwal.

The region saw much prosperity in this period, although in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the land came into the hands of the Gurkhas. With the conclusion of the Anglo-Nepalese War, the region was restored, although eastern Garhwal and Kumaon were occupied by the British as part of the Treaty of Sugauli.

Ruler of Garhwal, from 1000 to 1790

The mediaeval era in Garhwal history can be defined as the years roughly from 1000 and 1790. Mughal and Muslim authority across the remainder of India rose and fell during this time as well. Garhwal’s history was impacted by these events as well.

In the early years of this period, Garhwal was ruled by a number of minor chiefs or rulers, of which the Pala dynasty was the most prominent. There are some indications of the hegemonic nature of the Pala dynasty, which ruled a large part of Uttarkashi, Tehri, Chamoli and Pauri districts in the later days.

It was not until the reign of Ajay Pal (1358-1370) that the Palas gained suzerainty over a large part of Garhwal by subjugating the Khasa kings. Before this time, there were very small chiefdoms under a confederacy, protected by powerful kings of the plains, whose capital was near Indraprastha. (Delhi). Son Pal was the first king of Garhwal about whom accurate records exist. Their headquarters were in the Bhilangana valley.

Several Khas kings owed allegiance to him and dominated western Garhwal, including the pilgrimage route to Gangotri. A prince of the Panwar family of Dharanagar came on a pilgrimage to the holy places in the hills and on the way went to meet King Som Pal. The king had no son and was so pleased with the young prince that he gave his daughter in marriage and a part of Chandpur Pargana as dowry. This young prince was Kadhil Pal.

Ajay Pal, a descendant of Kadil Pal, brought the capital from Chandpur to Devalgarh in the 14th century and is considered to be the king who attempted to bring the scattered kingdoms of Garhwal under one power or authority. Bahadur or Balabhadra Sah was the first king who dropped the ‘Pal’ surname and adopted the title of ‘Sah’, which is still borne by the descendants of the erstwhile Tehri State.

According to legend, Bahadur Khan Lodi, the emperor of Delhi, came to Garhwal for a holiday. He was so pleased with the welcome accorded to him by the Raja of Tehri that he honoured the Raja with the title of ‘Sah’. This journey must have taken place in the year 1353.

Man Sah, one of Bahadur Shah’s descendants, rose to prominence around 1537. He was succeeded by Sama Sah and then Dularam Sah, who were the first kings to come in direct contact with the Chand kings who were gaining power in Kumaon during that period.

During the reign of Dularam Shah in Garhwal and Rudra Chand (1565-1597) in Kumaon, there was a brief but decisive war with the Chands of Kumaon. The latter, who was king of Kumaon, desired to include Badhan, which is a part of Garhwal state in the Pindar valley, to his sphere of influence.

The route to Pindar valley passed through Someshwar and Katyur valley, which was then under the control of Raja Sukhal Dev, the last ruler of the ancient Katyuri family.After pledging to protect him if Sukhal Dev helped, Dularam Shah dispatched armies to capture the passes leading to Badhangarhi and Gwaldam.

Porkhu, who was the general of Rudra Chand, proceeded towards the Pindar valley through Katyur with a small group of experienced warriors. However, the Katyuri king had cut off their supply lines. General Porkhu was assassinated by a Padyar Rajput not far from Gwaldam.

The Raja of Garhwal had promised that whoever made him the head of the Kumaoni Senapati would be given a land grant for a day’s visit. After carrying the deceased general’s head to Srinagar, Padyar Rajput was granted his just recompense. After this, the soldiers fled from the spot.

However, Rudra Chand continued to disturb the borders of Garhwal. They also crossed the Katyur valley. Rudra Chand died in 1597 and was succeeded by his son Laxmi Chand. The latter also raided the border areas of Garhwal several times, but were repulsed with considerable losses. When Laxmi Chand was on the throne in Kumaon, Mahipati Shah was the ruler of Garhwal.

He changed the capital from Devalgarh to Srinagar. He consolidated his rule over most parts of Garhwal. During this period this mountainous region became very prosperous. There existed copper and lead mines, while gold was obtained by washing river sediments along the Sona river in the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi valleys and in the Patli Doon valley.

During Pirthi Sah’s reign, in 1654-55, Garhwal was conquered by the Muslim kings of Delhi. An army was sent under Khalil Ullah Khan, which rapidly crossed the Dehradun valley, but did not penetrate deep into the hills located further north. Thereafter, Pirthi Shah made peace with the rulers of Delhi. Even after the death of Pirthi Sah and Baz Bahadur, the struggle with the Kumaonis continued. In fact, it continued for more than two hundred years. This was mainly in the form of raids and counter-raids in each other’s territory.

One of the most important rulers of Garhwal, Pradip Sah ascended the throne in 1717. He was able to establish temporary peace with the kings of Kumaon. This period brought prosperity to both these regions. This prosperity attracted the attention of Najib Khan, the Rohilla chief of Saharanpur, who invaded and took control of Dehradun in 1757 after weak resistance from the Raja of Garhwal. This control continued until Khan’s death in 1770.

In 1745, the Rohi Illas led by Hafiz Rahmat invaded Kumaon with a large army and captured Almora. Kalyan Chand, the ruler of Kumaon at that time, sought assistance from the ruler of Garhwal, who after some hesitation decided to help. The Garhwal and Kumaon armies converged near Dwarahat but suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Rohillas.

The Rohillas withdrew entirely from Kumaon when the latter threatened Srinagar and had the ruler of Garhwal pay one lakh rupees on Kalyan Chand’s behalf. Subsequently, the Chand dynasty in Kumaon experienced extreme weakness, and the Garhwal rulers frequently meddled in the internal affairs of the Kumaon state.

Gurkha invasion for British rule (1790 to 1815)

In 1710, the Gurkhas of Nepal (ruled by Ran Bahadur) invaded Kumaon and captured Almora. They attacked Garhwal the following year and penetrated as far as Langurgadhi, a strong fort near the present settlement of Lansdowne. However, the three-year-long siege of Langurgadhi had to be lifted when news of the Chinese invasion of Nepal reached them. All Gurkha soldiers were withdrawn. The king of Garhwal agreed to pay an annual tax of twenty-five thousand rupees and to have a representative in the court of Kathmandu.

In 1803, a remarkable and highly successful attempt was made to conquer Garhwal by the Thapas of Nepal. Since the siege of Langurgadhi in 1792, which had to be lifted, small groups or parties of Gurkhas had repeatedly plundered the bordering parganas (old districts) of Garhwal. During these attacks, they captured hundreds of people and sold them into slavery. Most of the villages were burnt down and rural areas were devastated.

On the other hand, the people of Garhwal also took bloody revenge and the border war started. These wars were constant acts of ruthless cruelty and brutal revenge. Several new attempts were made to capture Langurgadhi. In 1803, taking advantage of the devastating earthquake in Garhwal and Kumaon that killed about one-third of the population, Amar Singh Thapa, Hastidal Chautariya, and Bam Sah Chautariya led the Gorkhas in assembling a sizable army that they then launched an invasion on Garhwal. At that time Shah Jahan was the ruler of Garhwal.

He was very weak and feeble. They made no serious attempt to fight and the key pass was left unguarded. He fled from the Dehradun valley, which was captured by invaders in the winter of 1803. Later, at Landhaura, close to Haridwar, the Raja of Garhwal gathered an army and made an attempt to retake the Dehradun valley. At Khurbura in Dehradun, he was killed in action. Pritam Sah, the deceased Raja’s brother, was sent to Nepal as a prisoner, while his son Sudarshan Sah escaped to British territory.

Both Garhwal and Kumaon came under the control of Amar Chand Thapa and his son Ranjor Thapa. In 1804, preparations were made to expand their conquest westward. From temple records and old revenue records, it is clear that Hastidal Sah and Sardar Bhakti Thapa were two able administrators of Garhwal between 1803 and 1815. The Dehradun valley had great prosperity under the former’s leadership. His foreign policy was also strong. He swiftly ended raids into the Dehradun valley from Punjab and Saharanpur by setting a terrible example of a group of looting Sikhs.

In Garhwal itself, Kaji Amar Singh Thapa was the governor for some time. The main objective of the Gorkha rule here was to get maximum tax or revenue. As a result, they adopted the administrative system of kings, on which they built a military autocracy. Srinagar was the capital and the main city of Garhwal. The state was divided into three commands with their headquarters at Srinagar, Chandpurgadhi and Langurgadhi. Minor civil magistrates were filled by officers with the military title of faujdar.

The government was ruthless but weak. Civil magistrates and officials were corrupt and had a tendency to keep the fines and revenues collected by them for their personal gain.The central administration gave local authorities a free hand and no questions were asked as long as they met the revenue target allocated to them. A lot of people were exploited. “His condition was very bad. Defaulters who had no means to pay the heavy fines and other demands made by the Gurkha officers were sold as slaves.

In 1814, Raper (as quoted by Walton, 1910) wrote, “The people are most vehement in their grievances against the Gurkhas, of whom they stand in the utmost fear, but from the habits and ideas of slavery contracted by them, it is doubtful whether a spirit of resistance or freedom can be stirred up among them.

The villagers of Garhwal give a remarkable testimony of the destruction wrought by the Gorkhas; Uncultivated fields, ruined and deserted huts, present themselves in every direction. The lands of the temple alone are well ploughed. The dune was ruined; Under the Gurkhas, it produced about one-fourth of the revenue received by the Garhwali kings.

It is clear that the Gorkha rule in Garhwal was very harmful to both the people and the land. The most negative features of his rule were that villages were deserted, agriculture was ruined and the population was forced to move to nearby states as refugees. More than two lakh people were sold as slaves and taken to Nepal or other states.

Bam Sah, the governor of Garhwal, and Hastidal were prepared for the bhog. The officials were corrupt and treated the people very ruthlessly, thus the morale of the people was very low and they became incompetent.

British rule (1815 to 1947)

In 1811, Sudarshan Sah, the deposed ruler of Garhwal, promised the British the Dehradun Valley and Chandi if they drove the Gorkhas out of Garhwal. When the Gorkhas moved out of the region, Sudarshan Sah was living in great poverty in Dehradun. In 1815, W. Fraser was authorised to cede to the king parts of Garhwal lying west of the Alaknanda river, except the Dehradun valley and the Raven Pargana lying between the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi rivers.

As a result, in July of the same year, Fraser directed the inhabitants of the area east of the Mandakini River up to Rudraprayag and above that point east of the Mandakini River to consider themselves under the authority of the Commissioner of Kumaon.

Assistant commissioner G.W. Traill was dispatched to Garhwal to establish British rule over that province and to wrap up the land revenue settlement. In 1818, Trail complained of the disorganized state of the Raven Pargana, the inhabitants relieved of their fear of being accused by both the Gurkhas and the British of taking up their old business of robbing pilgrims of Gangotri and Kedarnath. The area was formally annexed to Tehri in 1824, although attempts to control the inhabitants were not very successful until a later period.

Meanwhile, a boundary dispute arose between the states of Bushehr and Tehri-Garhwal over the claim to Undra Kunwar taluka, which was included in the grant made by Fraser to the Raja of Garhwal. On the other hand, Raja’s uncle Pritam Sah, after being released from prison in Nepal through Gardiner’s good offices, claimed that the zamindari rights in the parganas of Garhwal and Dehradun had been ceded to the British by the Gorkhas.

The Trails administration of Garhwal ended in 1835. His tenure was marked by a just and progressive administration by English historians, although many decisions were taken on an arbitrary basis.The officials were also accused of misusing their powers. Overall, this was the period during which the foundation of the present style of development in Garhwal was laid. After Trail left the scene, a brief period of unsettled uncertainty and comparative misgovernance followed. According to Bird (as quoted by Walton, 1910) “The system of government was designed to suit the particular character and scope of an individual.

The Trail left the province well-organized, prosperous, and comparatively civilized, but their machinery was not easily worked second-hand. TThe lawmaker was removed, and there was no law. The Board of Commissioners and the government, which had remained quiet as long as the province was in the hands of an administrator and all emergencies were equal, found it necessary to reassert their control and lay down specified rules.

Batten succeeded Traill in 1836 and remained in charge until 1856. In the year 1839, the province of Kumaon was divided into two districts of (British) Garhwal and Kumaon, each under a senior assistant commissioner who had the same powers as the collector in the plains. Becket was in charge of the Garhwal district when the Great Revolt took place in 1857.

However, it did not have a significant impact on this peaceful region. The entrances to the passes and valleys leading into the hills were carefully guarded. Forces were sent wherever there was a possibility of any disturbance. Some freedom fighters tried to capture Srinagar, but they were soon routed by a company of Gurkhas sent from the garrison at Almora.

The freedom struggle

The people of Garhwal gradually became involved in the struggle for independence, which had gained considerable momentum in most parts of India, especially in the early 20th century. Garhwal produced patriots like Shreedev Suman, H.N. Bahuguna and Chander Singh Garhwali. The Congress party established a strong foothold in the hills. As the climax of the freedom movement approached, more and more Garhwalis came forward to sacrifice themselves to throw off the yoke of the British.

The struggle for independence was more marked in places like Dehradun, Rishikesh, Srinagar, Tehri, Uttarkashi and Pauri. Pandit Nehru and other national stalwarts used to go to Dehradun to provide leadership and guidance to the people of Garhwal in this movement.

After Independence

The country got independence in 1947. British Garhwal directly became a part of the Indian Union while Tehri Garhwal State accepted it. At present, the region comprises the districts of Dehradun, Pauri, Tehri, Uttarkashi and Chamoli which are a part of the state of Uttaranchal to be formed. The area is currently developing. The people elect representatives to the state assembly and the Lok Sabha.

Garhwal is also famous for its peasant movements, both against the atrocities of the monarchy, against the excesses of the British and also against the exploitation of its forests by forest contractors. The last gave rise to the famous Chipko movement against the felling of trees, which became famous throughout the world for its non-violent character and people’s participation. A long-standing demand since Independence was the formation of a separate hill state called Uttarakhand on the lines of Himachal Pradesh.

This demand reached a climax in the nineties, and once again, people resorted to a successful non-violent campaign for their due rights. During the 2000 monsoon session, the Indian Parliament finally complied with the demand. This Act has received the assent of the President of India and the new State of Uttaranchal will be formed by November, 2000. It will include the eastern divisions of Garhwal and Kumaon along with the holy city of Haridwar.

The Culture and Tradition of Uttarakhand

The Culture and Tradition of Uttarakhand
The Culture and Tradition of Uttarakhand

refers to the way of life of the people of Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand’s languages, religions, dance, music, architecture, food, and customs develop a great and versatile culture. And this culture is influenced by the indigenous population as well as by the immigrants to this beautiful state.

Food and Dining

Generally, the people of Uttarakhand are very simple and gentle, and they have very simple, yet delicious cuisines. The food of Uttarakhand is known to be healthy and nutritious. It’s a high-protein diet rich in veggies, legumes, and soybeans. The food is nutritious as well as tasty. Uttarakhand cuisines suit the high-energy necessities of the cold and tough mountainous region.

Though many people in Uttarakhand also enjoy and eat non-vegetarian meals, veggies are the state’s staple diet. The primary characteristics of Uttarakhand cuisine is that milk and milk based products are sparingly used here. Coarse grain with high fibre content is very common in Uttarakhand cuisines.

Other food items which are famous are mandua (Buck wheat) in the interior regions of Kumaun, linguda, which is grown on the borders of Tibet and Nepal. It is also a part of the Pahari cuisine as it helps to keep the stomach in order.

Typically, cooking involves the use of either mustard oil or pure ghee. The usage of tomatoes in Uttarakhandi cuisine is somewhat limited. Hash seeds are a spice that adds interest to simple recipes in this stage.

Fairs and Festivals Of Uttarakhand

Fairs and Festivals

Uttarakhand is known as “Dev Bhoomi” (Land of the Gods) all over the world. The fairs and festivals of Uttarakhand are Colorful and lively. Most of the fairs and festivals celebrate the change of seasons or are of a religious nature, such as Basant Panchami, Harela, Phool Dei, Janopunyu, etc. People of this state live a very hard and complex life. They survive in very difficult daily life in tough environment, with wild animals’ panic and with natural disasters and divine retribution. People here definitely celebrate at least one festival in every month, despite of this complex life.

Lets Explore few Traditional Fairs and Festivals of Uttarakhand

Fairs: Kumbh Mela, Ardh Kumbh Mela, Devidhura Mela, Purnagiri Mela, Nanda Devi Mela, and Gauchar Mela

Festivals: Ghughutia (Basant Panchami), Phool Dei, Harela and Bhitauli, Olgia or Ghee Sankranti, Nanda Devi Rajjaat Yatra, Hilljatra, Kandali, Khari Holi and Baithaki Holi, Khatarua, Ganga Dusshera or Dasar, Janopunyu

Music n Folk Dance

The roots of Uttarakhand folk songs can be found in the embrace of nature. Over the years, it has had several growth stages and several transformations. It discusses the many holidays, spiritual customs, folktales, and everyday existence of the Uttarakhandi people. Some of the traditional songs sung in Uttarakhand are Bajuband, Basanti, Chhopati, Chhura, Chounphula and Jhumeila, Jagars, Khuded, Mangal, and Puja.

These artists include, among others, Gajendra Rana, Meena Rana, Sangeeta Dhoundiyal, Manglesh Dangwal, Anil Bisht, Virendra Rajput, Dinesh Uniyal, Pritam Bhartwan, and Sh. Mohan Upreti, Sh. Gopal Babu Goswami, and Sh. Narendra Singh Negi ji.

Puja Folk Songs

The Culture of Uttarakhand has its roots in past. Among India’s many customs and civilizations, this one stands out as being particularly distinctive, as evidenced by the range of art forms that it produces. Although Uttarakhand folk dancing is not as intricate as classical dance, it is still quite lovely to watch. Its a reflection of the deep sited beliefs and traditions of the local people which is performed to express joy & celebrate the arrival of new season.

Among the folk dances performed on different occasions in Uttarakhand are Barada Nati, Bhotiya Dance, Chancheri, Chhapeli, Choliya Dance, Jagars, Jhora, Langvir Dance, Langvir Nritya, Pandav Nritya, Ramola, Shotiya Tribal Folk Dances, Thali-Jadda, and Jhainta. Barada Nati, Bhotiya Dance, Chancheri, Chhapeli, Choliya Dance, Jagars, Jhora, Langvir Dance, Pandav Nritya, Ramola, Shotiya Tribal Folk Dances, Thali, Jadda and Jhainta. etc.

Arts and Crafts

The northern Indian state of Uttarakhand is also an excellent centre to see some of the finest items of arts and crafts. Uttarakhand has a rich tradition of various arts and crafts like painting, wood carving, jewellery making, candle making, decorative temples etc. His inspiration was clearly the lush green surroundings with a beautiful blue sky, snow-capped mountains, poetic sounds of rivers, waterfalls and a wealth of flora and fauna. The diversity of these items is a testimony to the rich cultural traditions of the state. By exploring these arts and crafts items, you will be able to experience the artistic inclinations of the people of the state.

Although the state has a wide range of artistic activities, one craft that is most popular is wood carving. Of course, the beautiful scenery of Uttarakhand has the power to move the artist in almost everyone. Some great examples of wood carving can be seen in the temples and palaces of Uttarakhand.

In addition to wood carving, the state also produces a lot of jewelry, candles, paintings, and other crafts. You can buy traditional Uttarakhand jewellery made of gold, silver, copper, pearls, semi-precious stones and lacquer from various jewellery shops across the state. Aipan and Pitha, however, are folk forms of art that are generally created in households and are usually practiced by women. Both use a lot of geometric patterns, ‘ochre’ and rice paste.

Wood Carving As mentioned above, there are many temples in Uttarakhand where you can explore the artistry in wood carving. The Devalgarh temple, the temple of Srinagar-Garhwal and Devi Madin are some of the prominent places where you can see some exquisite examples of wood carving.

You can see the beautiful designs of wooden doors and windows of old houses. The wood carvings of Garhwal and Kumaon are famous for their simple yet delicate and attractive designs. Painting in Uttarakhand: Being rich in artistic beauty practiced in comfort, the cities and towns of Uttarakhand have been inspiring generations after generations.

Rolling hills, dense forests, sky-hugging peaks, and rich flora and fauna are the perfect ingredients to inspire a poet or an artist. This is only a fraction of the beauty of the mountainous region. That’s why you can also see some of the best artifacts in this state. The Garhwal School of Painting, one of the most exquisite and influential “gharanas” of miniature paintings, is located in Uttaranchal, more precisely in Garhwal.

All those who visit Garhwal must visit this place. Temple Architecture Temple architecture in any part of India has always been preserved as a way of leaving a mark on the pages of history by the kings and the people who ruled there. Anyone with an aesthetic vision likes to explore the exemplary architecture of the temples of Uttarakhand.

The kings and queens of the state supported many forms of art, one of which was temple architecture. The rulers of ancient times built some intricately carved and exquisite places of worship. There are temples in almost every part of the country. So, you will have some good time to spend in exploring the rich temple architecture.

While visiting the various temples of Uttarakhand, you can also see the amazing murals inside. Murals, or in the form of ipans, are a window to the cultural richness of the state. The murals also have great religious significance. The fine arts of Uttaranchal are decidedly geometric, with natural beauty and simple complexity.

Almost every house and place of worship will be found decorated with some kind of mural painting which is done either in the form of a proper mural or in the form of ipans and pithas. Aipan-Rangoli, a traditional Indian art displayed in front of the house, is a sacred and age-old practice. Aipan is one of the traditional forms of Uttarakhand Rangoli, which is mainly practiced in the state of Uttarakhand. This art has a cultural and religious impact on people’s lives.

Travel and Tourism In Uttarakhand 

Travel and Tourism In Uttarakhand 
Travel and Tourism In Uttarakhand 

It is a great experience to visit hill stations, do adventure sports like rafting, trekking, skiing, pilgrimage tourism, yoga, etc. The beautiful northern Indian state of Uttarakhand is famous for its lakes, rivers, mountains, forests, national parks, and sanctuaries. It is also a favorite destination for those who love wildlife travel, adventure travel, and yoga.

Travelers find natural beauty and some untouched natural places like the Valley of Flowers, Gangotri, Yamunotri, etc. This state is famous as one of the important pilgrimage sites in India. There is no doubt that Nainital and Mussoorie are dream destinations for holidays and honeymooners in North India.

They are known for their pleasant climate, lakes, boat rides, water sports, candlelight dinners, local shopping markets, rock climbing, ride-to-snow views, fishing enthusiasts, etc. Traveling in Uttarakhand is a great experience, and everyone should visit once in a lifetime to explore the natural beauty of North India. Nature and wildlife tourism Experience the beauty and diversity of nature and wildlife in Uttarakhand. Discover the great diversity of fauna and flora, high peaks, beautiful waterfalls, rivers, glaciers, etc.

Explore different types of animals and birds. Nainital Jim Corbett Park Ranikhet Mukteshwar Kausani Mussoorie Rishikesh Lansdowne Harsil Chamba Adventure Tourism Uttarakhand is also a major destination for adventure sports lovers.

There are many national and international competitions in skiing, mountaineering, water rafting, rock climbing, etc. It is held annually. The state has many adventures ranging from trekking to whitewater rafting to paragliding to biking, which are enough to entice adventure-obsessed souls to explore and experience new heights.

Uttarakhand offers a variety of adventure tourism such as trekking, rafting, camping, bungee jumping, mountaineering, wildlife tours, jungle safaris, bird watching, paragliding, skiing, and much more. A Valley of Flowers Rudranath Chopta Tungnath Skiing in Auli Har ki Duniya Pindari Glacier Gangotri Tapovan Milam Glacier Rafting in Rishikesh Roopkund Pilgrimage Tourism Uttarakhand is the abode of gods and is known as Dev Bhumi. Travelers will find many religious sites that have great significance in the different religions of Uttarakhand.

The most revered pilgrimage sites of the country are located here in the form of Shri Badrinath and Shri Kedarnath, the holy shrines of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, respectively. Haridwar is considered one of the seven most sacred places for Hindus and is also located in Uttarakhand. The two most revered rivers of the country, Ganga and Yamuna, originate from Gomukh (Gangotri) and Yamunotri in the Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand.

Hemkund Sahib, located in the Garhwal region near the Valley of Flowers, and Reetha Sahib, located in the Kumaon region, are very famous and are major religious centers for the Sikhs. Badrinath Kedarnath Gangotri Yamunotri Haridwar Hemkund Sahib Kailash Mansarovar, Rudranath Panch Kedar Devprayag

Activities in Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand has a great verity of outdoor activities that include Angling, Skiing, mountaineering, Trekking, Camping , Paragliding, River Rafting and Bungee Jumping etc. Uttarakhand is well-known for being the birthplace of yoga in addition to adventure sports. Numerous schools and institutions in Uttarakhand conduct regular courses in Yoga. Jungle Safari, Elephant Safari, Jeep Safari in the national parks are very popular in Uttaranchal.

Uttarakhand is one of the most popular honeymoon destinations of north India which is famous for its scenic natural landscapes, snow-capped majestic Himalayas mountain ranges, beautiful lakes, rivers and waterfalls. Nainital and Mussoorie are the ideal honeymoon destinations with mesmerizing hills, beautiful lakes and water falls etc. Poets, Writers, Painters, artists and photographers love the natural beauty here.

Pilgrimage in Uttarakhand

Another name for Uttarakhand is “devbhoomi,” which translates to “the land of gods.” Some of the nation’s most revered and sacred pilgrimage sites are found in this state. Known as the “home of the gods,” Uttarakhand is a state whose ethereal charms may enthral visitors. Uttarakhand is home to innumerable sacred locations, including rivers, lakes, temples, and shrines. Each year, a large number of people travel there on pilgrimage.

For all pious Hindus, Uttarakhand is the ultimate destination because of its many holy shrines. A visit to holy places like the Char Dham, Haridwar and Rishikesh is considered a must for every Hindu. According to ancient Hindu scriptures, a visit to the Char Dham leads one to salvation. Ancient temples and shrines built thousands of years ago dot this home of the gods, attesting to the rich religious legacy. Pilgrims travel to Uttarakhand from all over the world.

Uttarakhand is a state that is completely enveloped by spiritual air. It is not surprising to find a holy site or temple every few meters in this enchanting state. While Uttarakhand is endowed with an abundance of natural treasures, including deep valleys, pristine woodland surrounds, snow-capped Himalayan peaks, lovely meadows, icy glaciers, shimmering lakes, springs, waterfalls, and more, the state is also home to some of the holiest shrines, temples, and rivers in terms of spiritualism and religiosity.

What makes the pilgrimage a lifetime experience for any pilgrim is the presence of numerous hot water springs, virgin forests, snow capped mountains, crystal clear lakes and gushing waters of holy rivers that surround the holy shrines and temples here. From this mystical region of unwavering spirituality, unwavering faith, and pure, divine aura, not a single individual returns unscathed.

Known as the “four abodes,” or Char Dham, the sacred sites of Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri, and Yamunotri comprise the most significant Hindu pilgrimage. The Alaknanda River flows serenely next to the holy Badrinath, which is situated between the mountains of Nar and Narayan. Because Badri trees cover the entire area, it is known as Badrinath.

Kedarnath shrine, situated at a high altitude of 3580 meters above the sea level is another revered pilgrim destination which was set up by Hindu Guru Adi Shankaracharya in early 8th century. It is one of the twelve ‘Jyotirlingas’ of Lord Shiva.

The holy river Ganga originates in Gangotri, a highly respected pilgrimage site, where it is believed to be the earthly throne of Goddess Ganga (at Gaumukh). Yamunotri, the starting point of the holy river Yamuna, is the westernmost shrine in the Garhwal range of the Himalayas. The main attraction for the pilgrims to this sacred place is the temple dedicated to Goddess Yamuna.

Neel Kanth Mahadev in Rishikesh, the hilltop shrines of Mansa Devi and Chandi Devi in Haridwar, Vishwanath in Almora, and Binsar Mahadev in Binsar, near Almora, are other temples that pilgrims often visit. Hemkund Sahib is an important pilgrimage destination for people belonging to Sikh faith. Hemkund Sahib located in the Garhwal region near Valley of Flowers and Reetha Sahib located in the Kumaon Region are very famous and are major religious centers for the Sikhs.



1. Nainital:

In the Indian state of Uttarakhand, Nainital is a popular hill station and the capital of the Nainital district. It is situated in the Kumaon foothills of the outer Himalayas. At 2,084 metres (6,837 feet) above sea level, Nainital is surrounded by mountains, the highest of which are Naina (2,615 metres (8,579 feet) to the north, Deopatha (2,438 metres (7,999 feet) to the west, and Ayarpatha (2,278 metres (7,474 feet) to the south.

An approximately two-mile-circumference lake in the form of a mango exists in the valley. On the highest summits, “magnificent views can be obtained of the vast plain to the south, or of the vast network of entwined ridges that lies to the north, enclosed by the massive snowy range that serves as the centre axis.”

2. Naina Devi Temple :

A nicely recognised Shakti Peeths of Hindu religion, Naini Devi Temple is sacred area of exceptional devotion in Nainital. Goddess Naini Devi is the diety of Naini Devi Temple and located at northern stop of well-known Nainital Lake.The holy temple is represented through her two eyes.

This is the most famous temple in nainital very peaceful and divine vicinity at the banks of the Naini Lake. The temple has peaceable vibes due to the exceptional lakeside. This temple is very neatly maintained. The main deity of the temple is Naina devi who sits along with devi Lakshmi and devi Saraswati.

According to the historical survey, Naini Devi temple finds mention in Kushan period. Built in fifteenth AD, Naina Devi temple idol was once installed by a devotee Moti Ram Shah in 1842. After a drastic landslides in 1880, Naina Devi temple was once totally destroyed. Soon in 1883 locals build once more the Naina Devi Temple for the reason that they have deep belief on Maa Naina Devi.

According to the legends, Naina Devi temple got here into existence when Lord Shiva used to be carrying the corpse of Sati (lord shiva’s wife) and her eyes fell to the floor where the temple currently stands. The town, the lake, and the temple borrow its identify Naina (eyes) Devi temple.

During Nanda Ashtami, a large truthful is organised in the Naina Devi temple and devotees comes for darshan and take blessings. This Nanda Ashtami festival runs for eight days in the premises of Naina Devi temple.

3. Naini Lake:

Right in front of the temple, Naini Lake is situated. Boating is enjoyed here along with beautiful fresh air to give an essence of the soothing nature of Nainital.

4. Mukteshwar Temple, Mukteshwar

Mukteshwar temple is a 350 years old Temple of Lord Shiva at the top of Mukteshwar in Nainital District, this place is named after that. Mukteshwar is another name of Lord Shiva, which literally means ‘One who offers Moksha’.A white marble Shiva linga with a copper yoni is cherished in Mukteshwar temple. Surrounding the Shivling are idols of Brahma, Vishnu, Parvati, Ganesh, Hanuman, and Nandi. It provides a beautiful view of the Himalayas as it is at the top.

5. Mussoorie:

Mussoorie popularly known as The Queen of the Hills is picturesque town located in Dehradun district at about 2000 m above the sea level. This hill station is in the foothills of the Garhwal Himalayan range with its green hills and varied flora and fauna, is a fascinating hill. Commanding snow ranges to the northeast and glittering views of the Doon Valley and Shiwalik ranges in the south, the town was once said to present a ‘fairyland’ atmosphere to tourists.

Amongst the top places to visit in the Mussoorie are Kempty falls, Company Garden, Cloud End, Gun Hill, Mall road, Lal Tibba, Happy Valley etc

6. Kempty Falls

The Kempty Falls is one of the most popular tourist spot 15 km (9.3 mi) from Mussoorie. The waterfalls at a height of over 40 ft from the midst of rock and is a scenic sight even from a distance.

7. Company Garden

The vibrant garden known as “Company Garden,” often called “Municipal Garden” or “Company Bagh,” is situated three km from Mall Road. Additionally, there is a man-made lake featuring a miniature man-made waterfall.

8. Happy Valley

Happy Valley has a small Tibetan temple a couple kilometres from the Library end of the Mall. This was the first Tibetan temple built in India by the Tibetan refugees at 1960.

9. Lal Tibba

Lal Tibba is a scenic 5 km uphill walk from Picture Palace to the highest point in Mussoorie. Passes through Landour Bazaar. The old lighthouse is the nice thing to see there.

10. Gun Hil

Gun Hill is a hilltop located at 6800 feet above sea level and 400 feet above the Mall road of Mussoorie in the distance of 1.7 km from Mall road. It is the second highest point of Mussoorie after Lal Tibba. Gun Hill is a popular tourist destination undoubtedly offers a 360-degree picturesque view of Doon valley, Mussoorie two and Garhwal Himalaya Range.

11. Rishikesh:

The district of Uttarakhand, Dehradun is home to the city of Rishikesh. The “Yoga Capital of the World” and the “Gateway to the Garhwal Himalayas” are two names for this northern Indian location in the Himalayan foothills. It’s 43 miles from Dehradun and 25 km north of Haridwar city. Tourists come to Rishikesh to visit the many yoga centres there. Meditation and a plunge in the sacred river that flows through Rishikesh are said to be two ways to get closer to moksha fulfilment.

The climate here is the continental type but its location in the foothills gives it a pleasant weather throughout the year. One can visit Rishikesh any time of the year, however, the best time to visit Rishikesh for River Rafting is from late September – October to mid-November, and then the best time to visit Rishikesh is from early March – April to the first week of May.

In July there is a festival in Rishikesh called Savan where thousands of people flock to Rishikesh. Hotels are full and main roads are closed. It is best to avoid visiting Rishikesh at that time of year.

12. Haridwar:

Haridwar boasts an incredibly rich historical religious and cultural legacy. This location is widely recognised by the name Mayapur in the ancient Indian scriptures. Aside from the sacred Ganges river, this city is also well-known for a lot of other things. IIT at Roorkee, formerly the University of Roorkee, was established in 1847 as the country’s first technical institution. Haridwar is fortunate to have it.

The city is home to BHEL, or Bharat Heavy Electricals India Ltd., one of the “navratna PSUs of India”. People from various religious groups visit Shabir Shahib’s grave, Piran Kaliar, in Roorkee, India, which is a live example of religious peace in India.

 In addition to the Uttaranchal State Public Service Commission headquarters, which is being built in Haridwar, the city is home to another university named Gurukul Kangri Vishva Vidyalaya. In addition, this city hosts the annual Kumbh Mela once every twelve years, which draws in approximately one crore people from across the globe.

“Among the many pilgrimages that dot the length of the Ganga, Haridwar ranks among the most holy in the land” In Hindu mythology, Haridwar was referred to as Kapilsthan.

According to Lagend, the forefathers of Raja Bhagirath were destroyed by fire here when rishi Kapil cursed them. Raja Bhhagirath asked the Ganga to descend on Earth in order to save them. In addition, Haridwar is well-known as Gangadwar, Mokshadwar, Tapovan, and Mayapuri. The Ganga finally energises into the northern plains in Haridwar. Every twelve and six years, this location also hosts the Kumbh and Ardh Kumbh melas.

13. Jim Corbett National Park:

The oldest national park in India is Jim Corbett National Park. It Is Located in Ramnagar, Uttrakhand, India.  Ramnagar is Nearest Railway Station & Bus Stand of Corbett National Park.  The Park was established in 1936.

Total Area of Park is around 1288.22 Square Kms of Which 797.72 Sq. KM Belong to the Core area of Corbett Tiger Reserve &  Belongs to the Buffer Area of Corbett Park. Season between Oct to  15 July is Considered as a best time to spot Big Cats called Tiger.

Among the four major gate Jhrina zone is open throughout the year. The Bijrani zone & Durga devi is open from mid October – 30th June and the Dhikala zone is fully open from 15th of Nov.

March to June (Summer): This is considered as the perfect time for sighting animals.

During the monsoon season, which runs from July to September, only one gate is open. The time is perfect, especially for people who enjoy isolated areas and want to go hiking and strolling. During the monsoon, the place has its most lush greenery.

October through February (winter): this is the best season to visit the national park if you truly enjoy watching birds and tigers in their natural habitat. The very cold evenings are ideal for taking full advantage of the adventure and wildlife.

14. Auli:

This world famous skiing destination is the pride of Uttarakhand. Auli plays host to the skiing lovers from all over the world. The slopes here are a skier’s delight and offer plenty of adventure to everyone. The most famous slope is 3 kilometre long ranging from a height of 2518 metres to 3029 metres. The ski lift is the means of accessing the hill. The administration of the sports here is run smoothly by the GMVN, a government enterprise.

Skiing at Auli, Uttarakhand

 Auli is a skiing resort situated at a distance of 16 kilometres from Joshimath and the resort is run by Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam (GMVN), a government enterprise. The slopes at Auli are considered as one of the finest in Asia, hence attracting skiers from all around.

15. Valley of Flowers National Park:

The world famous Valley of Flowers was first discovered by the mountaineer Frank Smythe in 1931. The valley is roughly 2.5 km wide and 12 km long. The valley is U-shaped and narrow, with terraces covered in green spring foliage and cascading waterfalls. climbs to 3962 metres from 3658 metres. Rare floral species and a diverse range of butterflies can be found there, along with brown and black Himalayan bears, musk deer, Bharal, Thar, and searow.

Between first week of June & last week of September the valley is an enchanting vision filled with a multitude of flowers, some 500 varieties. Among them are the Brahm Kamal & the blue Poppy. One has to wade thru ferns, lilies, anemones, irishes, buttercups, forget-me-nots & a multitude of other flowers with butterflies fluttering & birds chirping all around. Snow clad mountains provide an impressive backdrop with the huge Ghoradungi mountain blocking one end of the valley.

Situated closeby are Hemkund Saheb & Lokpal temple. Hemkund – an icy lake is the place where the sikh Guru Gobind Singh is supposed to have meditaetd in a previous birth. There is a sikh Gurudwara built here.

16. Badrinath:

A temple holding great importance among the Hindu population, Badrinath is among the Char dham of Uttarakhand, also called as Chota chardham (the other three being Gangotri, Yamunotri and Kedarnath). The temple is dedicated to lord Vishnu and is supposed to be built by Adi Shankara in 9th Century. The present temple, on the banks of river Alaknanda, was however made by the Garhwal kings.

The temple is open only for six months, from April end to the beginning of November, due to the harsh winter in the Himalayan region. When the temple closes in November, the statue of lord Vishnu is transferred to Jyotirmath. The statue of the presiding god is interestingly in a meditating position, rather than the more common reclining one. Different legends give different reasons for this change in god’s position, telling different stories, all unique and all interesting.

17. Kedarnath:

Counted amongst one of the holiest places in India, Kedarnath is also one of the 12 ‘Jyotirlinga’ (the holiest Hindu shrines of lord Shiva) and amongst the four pilgrims of the Chota Chardham. Kedarnath is dedicated to Lord Shiva, also called Kedarnath or the lord of Kedar khand, this place’s erstwhile name.

This ancient temple is believed to be built by Adi Shankar in the 8th century and is supposed to be the place where the Pandava brothers did penance after the great war of Mahabharata, in which they had killed their own cousins. The story gains strength as one enters the temple and sees the statues of the Pandavas in the first hall.

The temple is reachable only by a 14 kilometre long trek, which the devotees cover with mighty enthusiasm. Being situated on such a height, the place receives heavy snow, and thus, is closed in winter. The temple reopens in April and remains open till September, during which people from all over the country come to visit it.

18. Gangotri:

Majestic, unparalleled in stature and extent, the Himalayas are considered by many world travelers to be the most physically beautiful region in the world. They also possess an unmatched spiritual past and mysticism. Source of the Gangotri glacier & source of the river Bhagirathi, Gaumukh is located at an altitude of 4200 metres. Gaumukh is a simple 18-kilometer hike from Gangtori. The Ganga finds its source at the glacier where it bursts out of a snout. The retreat will include an abundance of sacred sights, intimate encounters with sadhus, swamis, and saints, scenic excellence, delicious local North Indian cuisine.

Gangotri Gaumukh, the source of the river Ganga and seat of the goddess Ganga, is one of the four sites in the Char Dham pilgrimage circuit. At its source, the river is known as Bhagirathi; further on, around Devprayag, when it meets the Alaknanda, it takes on the name Ganga. The source of the sacred river is in Gaumukh, which is located in the Gangotri Glacier 19 km from Gangotri. From Yamunotri, the starting point of the Char Dham circuit, Gangotri can be reached in two days, or in one day from Rishikesh, Haridwar, or Dehradun.

19. Ranikhet:

Ranikhet is a cantonment town and hill station located in the Almora district. The Indian Army maintains it and it serves as the home of the Military Hospital, Kumaon Regiment (KRC), and Naga Regiment.

20. Rani Jheel

“Rani Jheel” is an additional gem that has been added to the town’s beauty. Under the Veer Naari Awas, close to Nar Singh Stadium, it offers guests a place to unwind and enjoy the boat trip.

21. Bhimtal:

Bhimtal is a beautifull lake. The main beauti of the lake is icaland within the lake.The Bhimtal name is connected with the name of Mahabharat’s BHIM.This is a beautifull place for visit in Uttarakhand.The main attraction is Lake, having a beautifull Iceland.

Bhimtal is a town and a Nagar Panchayat in Nainital district within the state of Uttarakhand, India, settled at associate degree altitude of 1370 meters higher than water level and is regarding twenty two kilometers from Nainital.

22. Almora:

Almora is a municipal board and a cantonment city in the Almora district inside the nation of Uttarakhand, India. It serves as the district of Almora’s administrative centre. Almora is positioned on a ridge on the southern edge of the Kumaon Hills of the Himalaya variety, at a distance of 365 km from the countrywide capital New Delhi and 415 km from the state capital Dehradun. Almora becomes founded in 1568, via King Kalyan Chand.

The best season is Spring and Autumn to travel Almora during the months of February – April, and September-November. One can visit Almora any time of the year. Monsoon is from July end to September staring which can be avoided. The maximum temperature during summer is 30°C and tourists usually visit Almora during summers. Please carry little warm clothes even in summer for the evening. Winter is quite cold and the minimum temperature is -1°C.

Nanda Devi Festival the most popular festival of Almora and is celebrated in the month of September. This festival is celebrated since the time of Chand Dynasty probably as early as the 13th century AD.

23. Katarmal Surya Temple

Built in 9th-century by Katarmalla, a Katyuri King, Katarmal Surya temple, presenting the architectural style of the ancient artisans. Situated 19 miles from Almora town, this Hindu temple boasts a stunning view of Kosi and is set at an elevation of 2,116 metres above sea level.

24. Govind Ballabh Pant Museum

Across from the Almora Bus Stand is the Govind Ballabh Pant Museum, also referred to as the State Museum. Since it is Almora’s only museum, many visitors come here. The museum was erected in 1980 and is called Govind Ballabh Pant (GB Pant) in recognition of his contribution to Uttarakhand’s growth.

25. Nanda Devi Temple

One of the famous temple is Nanda Devi, dedicated to the Hindu Goddess Durga. The centre of the city of Almora is home to this sacred temple. Since Nanda Devi is revered as the “Destroyer of Evil” and the reason why people from Kumaon and other parts of Uttarakhand come here on a regular basis, this temple is frequented by many Hindu pilgrims.

26. Pithoragarh:

A land of diverse ecology, Pithoragarh is home to magnificent snow peaked mountains, alpine meadows, springs, valleys, waterfalls, glaciers and lush green forests. It’s a matter of little surprise that it is called the ‘little Kashmir’ of Uttarakhand. Filled with snow peaked mountains, one third one third of this district stays snow clad all year round and thus the temperature here is always pleasant.

Filled with a great number of temples and ancient buildings, Pithogarh is one of the districts in Uttarakhand which offers everything: an awe inspiring past and an equally enthralling present. The district’s most significant town is Pithoragarh, which is located in the Soar Valley and shares borders with Tibet and Nepal. It is the town en route to the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra, and is an important halting place for the pilgrims.

27. Chopta:

Chopta is a village situated in Uttarakhand state, India and a bottom for trekking in Tungnath, third temple of Panch Kedar which is at a space of 3.5 km. Located at a distance of 1 km. from Tungnath is Chandrashila Peak at 4000 meters plus on top of sea level, which offers a grand view of snow clad Himalayan peaks.

Trekkers often travel to the Chopta, Tungnath, and Chandrashila hiking routes. Numerous hikes and routes go through grasslands and jungles in the Chopta region. Tunganath, Chandrashilla and Devariyatal are the most excellent known trekking routes in the Chopta area. Because of an profusion of birds, Chopta is becoming well-liked among birdwatchers.

28. Mukteshwar:

Mukteshwar is a beautiful town of Nainital district in the Kumaon Hills at an altitude of 2286 m where one can see beautiful view of Kumaon , Garhwal and nepal mountain range Muktesh is 51 km from Nainital, 72 km from Haldwani, and 343 km from Delhi. Mukteshwar is popularised by Britishers for establishment of the IVRI (Indian Vertinary Research Institute) in 1893 because of fruit orchards and coniferous forest.

A 350 years old temple of lord Shiva is known as Mukteshwar Temple, so this place is named after that. Mukteshwar is another name of Lord Shiva, which literally means ‘One who offers Moksha’. Rabindra Nath Tagore started writing Gitanjali from this place.

Mukteshwar weather is pleasant throughout the year but it’s good to avoid it in rainy season because heavy rain may cause road jam and landslide. Winter is so cold and freezing temperature is normal here so has snowfalls sometime during december and january. Light wooler is enough for summer but heavy wooler is must for winter.Destinations in Mukteshwar

29.Mukteshwar temple :

Mukteshwar temple is a 350 years old Temple of lord shiva at the top of Mukteshwar. It is 400 meters from main Mukteswar square but you need to climb just few stairs.

30.Chauli Ki Jali :

A amazing cliff of a mountain just behind the Mukteshwar temple known as Chauli Ki Jali whereas Chauli is ‘Rock’ and Jali is ‘Hole’ used for rock climbing and rappelling, with an excellent view of Kumaon Valley.

31. Bhalu gaad waterfall :

Bhalu gaad waterfall is a beautiful waterfall with crystal clean water 14 km downhill from Mukteshwar after that there is a trek of 1.5 km into the forest to reach there.

32. Pauri Garhwal:

Pauri is a town and a municipal board in Pauri Garhwal district located 1,814 meters above sea level on the northern slopes of kandoliya hills. Pauri provides a panoramic view of the snow-covered Himalayan peaks of Nanda Devi, Trisul, Gangotri Group, Thalaiya-Sagar, Nilkantha, Bandar Poonch, Swargarohini, Kedarnath, Kharcha Kund, Satopanth, Chaukhamba, Ghori Parbat, Haathi Parvat, Sumeru, etc.

Natural and cultural endowments make up the area’s tourist attractions. Amongst the top places to visit in the town of Pauri are the Danda Nagaraja temple, the Kandoliya temple, Khirsu Village, Kyunkaleshwar Mahadev Temple, Chaukhamba Viewpoint and Ramganga Dam.

The best time to visit Pauri is from March-June and September-October, keep light woolens is the best idea. Monsoons can be avoided as this is the time of heavy rainfall and the chances of landslides increases. Winters are quite cold and freezing with minimum temperature falls at 0°C, but one can view snowfalls during winters. Maha Shivarathri festival celebration during February – March are very attractive

33. Surkhanda Devi Temple:

Located at a distance of 8 kilometres from Dhanaulti, lies Surkanda Devi, a highly revered temple dedicated to Goddess Shakti, the goddess of power. The temple is situated in a thick forest and offers some of the most magnificent views of the Himalayan ranges. Being situated in the woods, it is accessible only through a 2 kilometre long steep trek. The legend of the temple refers to the story in which Sati, the first wife of Shiva, self immolated herself in the Yagna Kund (fire sacrifice) at her father’s house.

After her death, Shiva roamed the earth taking her charred body in grief. It is said that some parts of her body fell at different parts of the ground, which transformed into Shakti Peeth. At Surkanda Devi, her whole body fell down, and this place became a sacred place where the Goddess started being worshipped with ardour. The Ganga Dusshera festival is celebrated with much zest here and is not a thing to be missed if you happen to be here at this time (between May and June).

34. Lansdowne:

Lansdowne is a hill station situated on the Kotdwar – Pauri road at a height of 1,706 m in the Pauri-Garhwal district of Uttarakhand. The town is named after Lord Lansdowne the Viceroy of India who visited here in 1884. Earlier known as ‘Kaludanda’ which means ‘Black Hill’ in Garhwali. The town has two churches made in the pre-independence era but only one St. James is running.

This is the command office of the renowned Indian Army Garhwal Rifles. Kaleshwar Mahadev Temple is almost a century old and situated near the main Lansdowne city. The Sage Kalun, who once meditated here, is credited with giving the religious centre its name. Here you can watch rustic buildings, old taverns, and churches at Lansdowne.

35. Tip N Top

Tip N Top is the highest point in all of Lansdowne and one of the famous attraction located just 1. 5 kilometers away from the main city of Lansdowne in Pauri road. Tip N Top is a small hilltop viewpoint that is located at 1700 meters above the sea level and provides a breathtaking view of magnificent Shivalik Range.

36. Bhullatal Lake

Bhullatal Lake, an artificial manmade lake dedicated to the Garhwali youth of The Garhwal Rifles who helped in the construction of the lake, located at just 1 km from the Lansdowne

37. Kaleshwar Mahadev Temple

Kaleshwar Mahadev Temple was constructed for Lord Shiva is the center of attraction and is a major point of devotion for the people here in Lansdowne and Garhwal regiment.

38. Bhim Pakora

Bhim Pakora is a famous spot where two sacred rocks are perfectly balanced in the way that you can move above the rock with a single finger but never falls down even after using both hands. These rocks are in the shape of pakora (An Indian dish).

39. Tarkeshwar Mahadev Temple

Tarkeshwar Mahadev Temple is an ancient temple at a distance of 37 km from Lansdowne for meditated and worshiped Lord Shiva

40. Darwan Singh Museum

Darwan Singh Museum is a historical defense museum named after Victoria Cross holder Darwan Singh Negi, located near the parade ground in Lansdowne.

41. Chakrata:

Chakrata in Uttarakhand is a beautiful slope station, encompassed by the stunning Himalayan range. Cuddled in the Dehradun locale, this curious and beguiling slope withdraw is best known for its peacefulness and hypnotizing sees around.

Chakrata isn’t an exceptionally well known occasion goal and is up to this point from any touristy bedlam or commotions. It is a tiny slope town that offers a couple of nearby attractions and some energizing exercises. The scope of most entrancing activities in Chakrata incorporates some touring and a touch of investigation and enterprise also.

42. Tigerfall

The Tiger Fall is named as it has mouth from where it falls as similar to tiger, it is some what 20 km further to Chakrata. There are 2 ways to approach it one pay some amount per person and they will let you take your vehicle till 500 Mts or half a Km you need to track your way down and up which is considerably steep. there is another way from the entry point which is about 1.5 km of mountainous track.

43. Lakhamandal Temple

The Shakti Cult is drawn to this temple because they think that visiting the shrine will put an end to their bad luck. The terms lakha (Lakh), which means “many,” and mandals, which means “temples” or “lingam,” are the sources of the name Lakhamandal.

On the Mussoorie-Yamnotri route, it is 35 km from Chakrata and past Kempty Falls. The building’s architectural style, North Indian, is typical of the hilly areas of Garhwal, Jaunsar, and Himachal. The temple is located in the village of Lakhamandal, where the Yamuna River flows alongside.

44. Deoban Forest

It is around 13 km from Chakrata and a must visit place.There is a PWD rest house there with views of Nanda Devi and other snow-capped mountains. For nature lovers, it offers a wide variety of vegetation, wildlife, and birds.

45. Kanasar

Kanasar is arranged at a separation of 27 kms close Chakrata and 114 kms from Dehradun on Chakrata-Tiuni engine capable street, encompassed by high pinnacles and thick rain backwoods the place is perfect for voyagers. A timberland Rest House in the pleasant surroundings is accessible for convenience. Kanasar is a seductive location surrounded by lush green forest.

Green glades draws in heaps of traveler and makes it a best outing spot close chakrata. A little sanctuary is the focal point of confidence and dedication for local people. Kanasar is notable for its exceptionally old deodar trees in the woodland. A tree of boundary 6.35 meters is known to be Asia’s greatest deodar tree. Kanasar has few woods sleeping quarters with partitioned toilets, magnificent outdoors area with choice for trekking.

46. Binsar:

Commanding one of the most spectacular sights in the Kumaon hills, Binsar is well acclaimed for its beauty. The long stretch of greater Himalayas that can be seen from here is unlike any other place. The mountainous fauna of the place including ferns, hanging moss, wild flowers make the journey to Binsar all the more delightful. Binsar is at a distance of 95 kms from Nainital.

47. Hemkund Sahib:

One of the holiest shrines of the Sikh religion, revered highly among Sikhs and Hindus alike, Hemkund Saheb is a pilgrim situated in one of the most beautiful surroundings. The Gurudwara is built along the star shaped natural lake, the Hemkund or the lake of ice, which is a natural lake, encircled by seven mountains.

The tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak Dev, arrived here to meditate and gain insight into life. Laxman, the brother of Lord Rama, is also thought to have performed penance here; a temple to Lord Laxman is located close to the Gurudwara.

48. Sapta Badri Temple

Sapta Badri is the name used for the seven holy temples dedicated to lord Badrinath (Vishnu), located in the Alaknanda Valley in Garhwal hills, known as the Badri Kshetra. The temples in this circuit include: Badrinath (Badrivishal). Adi Badri, Vridha Badri, Bhavishya Badri, Yogadhyan Badri, Ardha Badri, and Narasingh Badri.

The main shrine amongst these is Badrinath, also called as Badrivishal, which is one of the holiest places in the country and is visited by thousands of pilgrims each year. According to tradition, all of these temples are supposed to be built by Adi Shankaracharya, who on his mission to spread Hinduism, connected the whole country through these places of worship.

49. Dhari Devi Mandir:

The goddess Kali is worshipped in the Dhari Devi Mandir Srinagar Garhwal, which is located on the banks of the Alaknanda River. Situated 16 kilometres away from Srinagar, one has to trek down a distance of approximately 1 kilometre from the Dhari village to reach the temple.

50. Chamba:

Considered one of the most beautiful towns of the Tehri District, Chamba is situated 5000 ft above sea level. Most famous for its spectacular view of the Himalayas and the Bhagirathi valley, Chamba is also a focal point from where roads converge to other important towns like Mussoorie, Rishikesh, Tehri and New Tehri. The temples to visit in Chamba include: Laxmi Narayan Temple, Champavati Temple, Vijeshwari Temple, Chamunda Devi temple, Hari rai temple and Bansi Gopal temple.

51. Munsiyari:

Munsiyari, a recently discovered tourist destination in Uttarakhand, was previously a restricted enclave in the Himalayan inner line, sandwiched between India’s borders , China & Nepal, restrctions have eased now, It has placed Munsiyari on tourist map.

Travelling to Munsiyari offers a completely unique experience. The lower portions of the forest are covered with rhododendrons in the spring, and mountain birds such as the whistling thrush, wag tail, hawk,cuckoo, falcon, and serpent eagle may be found here. In the Munsiyari Jungles, one can see wild creatures like as leopards, panthers, mountain bears, and musk deer.

52. Kausani:

Home of famous Hindi poet, Sumitra nandan Pant, Kausani is a place to evoke inspiration in any soul. The place offers beautiful scenic view of the gorgeous mountains and an equally enchanting flora and fauna. Various poets and artists have been inspired by this place and staying at Kausani can be one life enriching experience. Kausani is located at a distance of 115 kms from Nainital.

53. Nandadevi National Park

A world heritage site, the rugged mountainous land of Nandadevi, complementing the gentle beauty of the adjoining Valley of flowers, has inspired poets, adventurers, botanists, mountaineers and locals for centuries.

Both Nandadevi and the Valley of flowers span over the transitional land of the Zanskar range and the great Himalayas. The Nandadevi National Park is a spectacularly diverse area, dominated by the Nandadevi Peak in the Chamoli District of Uttarakhand. It is a difficult area to access and this is the reason why it holds its magnificent beauty intact.

54. Champawat

Named after King Arjun Deo’s daughter ‘Champawati’, Champawat is a small district in the east part of Uttrarakhand. Although a small in size, Champawat, has a big attraction value and a culturally rich history. Temples of archaeological importance, with breathtaking carvings and architecture adorn the place. The most important one being Baleshwar, where as the legend say, lord Vishnu appeared in the Kurmavatar (the tortoise incarnation), and is visited by a large number of devotees.

There is an array of beautiful temples in these equally enchanting surrounding. The flora and fauna of champawat is also a delight to the senses. Plant species like amla, eucalyptus, ayur, teak, sagon, give this place an exotic ambience and are valuable to the locals as well. Champawat is also mentioned in Jim Corbett’s famous ‘Man Eaters of Kumaon’, the first chapter of which is based on Champawat.

55. Guptkashi

 Guptkashi, translated as the secret Kashi, holds almost equal importance as the original Kashi. This is a large village is situated in the Rudraprayag district in Uttarakhand. The place holds importance because of the very famous Vishwanath temple here dedicated to lord Shiva. Another important temple found here is the Ardhanareshwar temple devoted to the half man-half woman form of Shiva and Parvati.  Guptkashi is situated on the way to the famous pilgrim site, Kedarnath and is visited by a large number of devotees each year.

56. Baijnath:

Famous for the ancient temples of the Katyur dynasty, built in 13th century AD, Baijnath offers a range of archaeologically important temples that are quite well known for their architecture and carvings. Baijnath is at a distance of 19 kms from Kausani.

57. Jageshwar:

One among the twelve jyotirlinga in the country, Jageshwar holds an important place in the Hindus. The temple is beautifully adorned by over 100 little shrines. The most spectacular thing about the temple is its arhicteccture, which has a strong Buddhist influence. The sculpture is a thing to admire as well. Located at a distance of 100 kms from Nainital, Jageshwar is easy accessible.

58. Dwarahat:

At the gap of 38 km. from Raniket and 77 km. from Almora , Dwarahat us an historical metropolis full of lovely temples with breathtaking sceneries in the kumaon mountains of almora. Dwarahat is an area of sprcial spiritual significance .

It’s far the home of 55 vintage historic temples . The small city appears beautiful in the course of specifically in the course of winters while it recieve blizzard . Dwarahat is well-known for its historic temples which were constructed specially via the katyuri kings .

59. Dunagiri temple

Dunagiri temple is located 14 kms some distance from Dwarahat. A temple is devoted to goddess Durga. it’s far believed that when Hanuman Ji changed into sporting the mountain with ‘Sanjiwani buti’ for Laxman, a bit of it fell right here and on the grounds that that day this region is referred to as ‘Doonagiri’ (‘giri’ which means fell).

60. Pandavkholi

Pandavkholi is situated at a distance of 15 km from Dunagiri. Pandavkholi is considered to be the secret exile of pandavas, from here we can see the beauty of himalayas view with excellent clarity.

61. Daksha Mahadev Temple:

The Daksha Mahadev temple is associated with a very well known Hindu legend concerning Lord Shiva. Once King Daksha, the father of Sati, lord Shiva’s first wife, performed a yagna in which he invited everyone but Shiva. When Lord Shiva reached their uninvited, the father in law further insulted him.

Seeing the insult of her husband, Sati felt so humiliated that she jumped into the fires of Yagna kund, self immolating herself. This awakened Shiva’s anger and he killed King Daksha then and there but after some time brought him back to life. The temple is dedicated to this very incident. Daksha Temple is located in the southern part of Kankhal.

62. Gaunder:

Gaunder is the last settlement on the trek to Madhyamaheshwar and is considered a sacred place, being the place of confluence of the holy rivers, Ganga and Markanga Ganga. The place offers some of the most majestic views of the mountains.

63. Madhyamaheshwar Temple:

Counted amongst the Panch Kedar or the five holy sites of Shiva in the Himalayas, Madhyamaheshwar is the fourth temple to be visited in the circuit, including Kedarnath, Tungnath, Rudranath and the last one, Kalpeshwar.

According to the legend associated with the temple, it is believed to be built by the Pandavas. The temple is situated in Mansuna village in the Rudraprayag district of the Garhwal Himalayas. Apart from being a beautiful hill town, Mansuna is also the base camp for trekking expeditions in the mountains.

64. Khatling Glacier:

The source of River Bhilanga, Khatling is a lateral glacier, surrounded by massive snow peaks. The trek to Khatling starts from Ghuttu, which is easily reachable by motor from Dehradun, Mussoorie, Tehri or Rishikesh. The 45 kilometre long trek includes trekking through remote villages, Kharsao forests as well as large open meadows.

65. Tehri Dam:

This mammoth of a dam is built between the two valleys, Bhagirathi and Bhilangana and is the tallest Dam in Asia and 5th tallest in the world. The Dam was built, after much opposition, in the old Tehri area and has many controversies surrounding it. some environmentalists as well as scientists predict its failure soon.

66. Chaiti Devi Temple:

Famous for its great fair, the ‘Chaiti Mela’, the temple is at a distance of 2.5 kilometres from Kashipur. The fair is held during the Navratris with devotees taking part in a large number. Giri Sarovar: The Giri Sarovar is a beautiful lake situated on the Kashipur-Ramnagar route and is a popular picnic spot. There are boat rides available in the lake as well. Hotels and Guest houses are also available if you want to spend some time in this beautiful place.

67. Golu Devata

The temple at Chaiti is dedicated to Golu Devata, an incarnation of Gaur Bhairav(Shiva). The deity in this area is famously known as the Nyaya Devata or the god of justice. It is a strong belief among the devotees that Golu Devata listens to everyone’s petition and if the person is innocent, imparts justice to him. For this reason, one can find in the temple, thousands and thousands of petitions written on papers- stamp paper and normal ones, each having a story of person, pleading for justice.

The subject of the plea can be anything, from a long pending court case to a domestic fight. When people’s prayers do get answered, they come here and tie a bell in the temple compound in gratitude. The size of the bell ranges from huge to tiny ones, probably corresponding to the size of the prayer answered.

68. Rudraprayag:

Rudraprayag, along with having a religious importance is full of natural beauty and places of interest for travellers. Mountain peaks, glaciers, lakes and waterfalls are some of the things that add to the beauty to this serene district.

Rudrapryag town, which is blessed with a prominent location between the Alaknanda and Mandakini rivers, is home to the district’s administrative centre and is also a place of religious significance. Rudraprayag is also significant since it is the point where highways split off to Kedarnath and Badrinath, two of the most significant Hindu temples. Thus it’s a place of rest for the pilgrims who are travelling from great distance to pay visit to the sacred temples and hence important.

69. Patal Bhuvaneshwar Cave Temple:

Probably one of the most fascinating shrines in the country, the Patal Bhubhaneshwar cave shrines are not to be missed at any cost. Located inside the limestone caves lies the temple dedicated to lord Shiva which also depicts thousands of gods found in Hindu mythology. The shrine is not just a cave but a whole net of connecting caves, each more complex and deeper than the other.

The most intriguing thing about these caves is the diverse forms the stones have taken due to the water seeping from the roof. Many of these forms easily resemble with Hindu gods and goddesses. There are many myths connecting with this shrine, one being that, the way through the caves leads to the four pilgrims (char dham) of the Hindu Religion.

70. Dayara Bugyal:

This breathtakingly beautiful highland meadow is situated 3048 metres above sea level and offers a majestic sight of the Himalayas. The trek to the place is a treat in itself. One can reach Dayara Bugyal through Barsu Village, from where the trek is around 8 kilometres long.

71. Kotdwar:

Kotdwara is a town in the Pauri district of the state of Uttarakhand. The town is situated at the foothills of the Himalayas and is the entrance point for various famous places like Pauri, Kedarnath and Badrinath. It is also a trade and commercial point, catering to the needs of the distant hilly areas. Locked by mountains by three sides and being situated on the banks of three rivers, namely, Kho, Malini and Sukhro, Kotdwara was a meditation place for a great number of sages.

72. Naukuchiatal:

A lake with nine corners, Naukuchiyatal is at a distance of 4 kilometres from Bhitmtal and 26 kms from Nainital. The clear lake is a perfect place for angling, bird watching, yachting, rowing and paddling.

73. Sattal:

Sattal means Seven lakes as Sattal is an interconnected group of seven freshwater lakes which are Ram Tal, Sita Tal, Laxman Tal, Nal Damyanti Tal, Sukh Tal, Garud Tal and Purna Tal these lakes have been named after mythological figures. The seven lakes are among the few unpolluted freshwater bodies in India.

Sattal is located at an altitude of 1370 meters near Bhimtal of Nainital district of Uttarakhand. It offers plenty of sports activities apart from boating like river crossing, kayaking, swimming, balloon tumbling, trekking to name a few. The view of the lake is clean green and the mountain surrounding makes the view amazing and very photogenic.

Sattal has a pleasant and cooler climate. The temperatures in summers are between 27°C and 30°C from the month of March to end of June after that monsoon begins and remains till the mid of September. Winters are during December to February and the extreme cool temperatures go down to 2°C. It is a great time for trekkers.

Sattal can be visited throughout the year. March –June, and September – November are the best time for tourists to visit as the climate is comfortable and perfect for holidays, sightseeing and nature walk. Nandadevi Fair is organized every year in the month of September.

74. Guchhupani (Robber’s Cave) :

 Guchhupani or Robber’s Cave, as it was formerly called, is an erstwhile hiding place of Robbers who evaded the British Army by hiding in these caves. Today, the famous place is a favourite picnic spot where, tourists as well as locals come. Guchhupani has some of the most interesting natural caves located in the mountains.

A freezing mountain spring goes under the ground and reappears at places, creating a very beautiful sight. Guchhupani attracts people from everywhere due to the serene atmosphere it provides. It is one of the must visit place when you’re in Dehradun.

75. Maya Devi Temple :

Maya Devi Temple is one of the three most ancient temples of the holy city of Haridwar along with Narayana Shila Temple and Bhairav Temple. Maya Devi, the presiding deity of the temple holds such great importance in the place that Haridwar was called Mayapuri in the past.  Goddess Maya Devi is an incarnation of Shakti.

The temple is a Shakti Peetha as well as Siddha Peetha. It’s a Shakti Peetha because according to the legend, as Lord Shiva was taking the corpse of his wife, Sati, her heart and navel fell here and the place became a Shakti Peetha. Siddha Peetha refers to the power the shrine inherits to fulfil all the wishes of a sincere devout person.

76. Mansa Devi temple:

The Mansa Devi temple is one of the most visited temples in Haridwar and also an important Shakti peeth in Northern India. Situated on top of the Bilwa Mountain, it is also known as Bilwa Thirtha. Dedicated to Mansa Devi, a form of Goddess Shakti, the temple is visited by thousands of pilgrims each year.

The goddess Mansa is believed to fulfil all the wishes of her sincere devotees and for this, people who pray for something, usually tie a thread at the temple and when that prayer is answered, come back to untie it. The tree at the temple here is tied with thousands of threads carrying thousands of prayers.

77. Assan Barrage

Assan Barrage is a man made construction built on the confluence of the Yamuna Canal and the Assan River. The Barrage gives birth to a wet land, which is commonly known as the Dhalipur Lake. The lake is home to birds of a great variety. Situated near the Uttarakhand-Himachal Pradesh Border on the Dehradun-Poanta Saheb road, Assan Barrage is at a distance of around 40 kilometres from Dehradun, the state capital of Uttarakhand, India.

The man made wet land (covering an area of 4 km2) and the adjacent Sal forest, attract a wide range of birds, especially in winter months. As many as 11 species of migratory birds can be seen here along with a variety of water fowls.

The species of birds include: Tufted Duck, Shoveller, Brahminy Duck, Pintail, Red Crested Pochard, Gadwall, Mallard, Coot, Common Pochard, Wigeon, and Common Teal, which enter the region in the winters. The water in the lake sometimes gets low, creating a marsh, which is a favourite amongst some of the birds like the Egrets, Lapwings and Herons.

78. Gurdwara Shri Nanak Matta Sahib:

Sacred among the Sikh population, Shri Nanak Sahib is associated with the first Guru of the Sikh religion, Shri Guru Nanak Dev, who visited here in 1514 AD. The Gurdwara at that time was a shrine occupied by yogis who practiced occult and kept the people at bay by frightening them.

It is said that the Guru on seeing them, taught them the way to religion as well as mental cleansing. The place, from thence, is dedicated to the sacred Guru. There is also a dam built on the river Saryu near the Gurdwara which attracts tourists and is a good picnic spot.

79. Pindari Glacier Trek

One of the most accessible glaciers in the Himalayas is the Pindari Glacier, which is located in the Bageshwar district of Uttarakhand. The Pindari glacier is situated in the southeast of Nanda Devi peak in the Kumaon Himalayas. The round trip trek is about 90 kilometres long and takes approximately 5 days to complete. It’s a fun walk that’s highly favoured by travellers.

80. Chandak:

Chandak is 7 kms from Pithoragarh, Chandak is a hill that is quite a treat to the eyes. The panoramic view along with the Mostmanu temple is a delightful combination. In the month of August, a popular fate is held in the temple, where devotees come in large numbers.

81. Jhula Devi Temple and Ram Mandir Ranikhet:

Situated closely, Jhula devi and Ram Mandir are two of the prime religious places in this area. Jula devi is dedicated to Goddess Durga whereas the presiding deity of the Ram Mandir is lord Rama. The Jhula Devi temple is situated at a distance of 7 kilometres from Ranikhet, and is supposed to have been built to protect the animal life of the nearby forests.

82. Lohaghat:

Lohaghat is a beautiful place is situated on the banks of the River Lohawati and is famous for its scenic beauty, mythological legends and the famous flower of ‘burans’. This ancient town is situated at a distance of 12 kilometers from Champawat. Various temples around it might invoke your interest because of the legends associated with them.

83. Kainchi Dham:

First things first, Kainchi dham bears no relation with scissors. A modern pilgrimage centre, the Dham gets its name because of it situation between the two hair pin bends of the motor road. The place got fame because of the ashram of Neem Karoli Babaji here. The place is 17 kms from Nainital.

84. Mukteshwar :

First developed by the British as an Education and Research Institute, Mukteshwar today attracts people because of its great scenic beauty. The place has an abundant growth of coniferous forests as well as fruit orchards. There is an old temple dedicated to lord Shiva on top of a rock as well.

85. Bhowali

Bhowali is a mostly green town like a village at a height of 1704 meters above sea level. Bhowali is situated in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand. For those travelling from the Haldwani route, Bhowali serves as a gateway to numerous locations in the Kumaon division, including Almora and Bageshwar.

Bhowali is well connected to neighboring hill stations, like Nainital, Bhimtal, Mukteshwar, Ranikhet, Binsar and Almora. Many Lakes are close to Bhowali hill station like Bhimtal, Sat Tal, Naukuchiyatal, Nal Damyanti Tal, Sukha Tal, and Khurpa Tal. Bhowali is popular for good quality natural products like peaches, strawberries, plums, apples, and apricots that are traded to other places.

86. Haldwani

Haldwani is known as the “Gateway of Kumaon” as it is located at the foothills of Kumaon Himalayas. Haldwani is the third most populous city in the Indian state of Uttarakhand.

The name Haldwani is driven from the Kumaoni word “Halduvani” (literally “forest of Haldu”) where Haldu tree is Haldina cordifolia. The Haldu trees were found there in large quantity before to deforestation for agriculture and migration of people. The place was originally known as Halduvani until George William Trail took over as Commissioner of Kumaon and renamed it to Haldwani in 1834.

Cloudy and pleasant month to visit is September which is the best month to visit Haldwani and the best time to visit is from September to November and February to March which has a pleasant temperature. Summer is hot and humid to visit. The winter season has a minimum temperature of 5°C.

87. Gaula Barrage

The Gaula Barrage is 7.3 kms from Haldwani. The Gaula Dam is a popular picnic spot for locals as well as tourists where one one can enjoy scenic beauty. Families can enjoy day trips here. the 500-kilometer-long Guala River barrage. The Sattal, or “seven lakes,” is the source of the Gaula River.

88. Sitla Devi

The Sitla Devi Mandir is located at Ranibagh which is 10 kms from Haldwani. The temple dedicated to goddess Durga. You have to trek around 1 km from main road to reach the temple. The Sitla Devi Mandir is one of the oldest temple of the region and is also and ideal picnic spot. Both residents and visitors frequent the temple in large numbers.

89. Haida khan Ashram

The Hedakhan Ashram is 33 kms from Haldwani. Haidekhan Ashram is dedicated to HaidaKhan Baba a disciple of Lord Shiva. River Gomti Ganga flows between two sides of Ashram. Baba ji built nine temple (Nov Durga) at the bank of same river. It’s a serene, lovely location where one can practise meditation.

90. Sanjay Van

Sanjay Van is around 23 kms from Haldwani, is a part of Tanda Range forest in Pantnagar. You can visit Sanjay Van, a verdant region, to enjoy the sounds of birdsong, grass-scenting, and windrustling amid the trees. A Quiet and peaceful place with beautiful view of the nearby surroundings.

91. Chhoti Haldwani

About 30 kilometres from Kathgodam and 28 kilometres from Haldwani lies the charming little village of Chhoti Haldwani. The Corbett Museum is one place to visit. The renowned Sir Jim Corbett lived in the little town. Gorgeous dawn and dusk. The life, accomplishments, and possessions of Sir Jim Corbett are on exhibit in the museum.

92. Ramnagar

Ramnagar is a small city and municipal board inside the Nainital district of Uttarakhand, India. It’s far positioned approximately sixty five kilometres from Nainital. Ramnagar is placed on the foothills of the Himalayas on the bank of river Kosi. Kashipur located about 18 km faraway from this city. The town is famous for being the gateway to Corbett national Park and draws lot of traveler interest due to its geographical region.

Its proximity to Nainital that is a well-known hill station of Northern India makes it even more famous. Ramnagar is the gateway to western Kumaon and Garhwal. it is also the graduation point of Kumaon Hills with the nearby city of Haldwani. Ramnagar is also well-known for global “Litchi farming”. there is a Kosi Barrage in Ramnagar in which lot of migratory birds arrives in iciness.

93. Corbett National park

Corbett National Park is 10 km from Ramnagar. The park was Established in 1936 as the Hailey National Park, Corbett National Park is the oldest and one of the most sought after national parks in India. It is the first refuge in India to be included in Project Tiger.

96. Garjiya temple

Garjiya Devi Temple is placed in the Garjiya village close to Ramnagar, Uttarakhand, India. It is a sacred Shakti shrine in which Garjiya Devi is the presiding deity. The temple is located over a massive rock inside the Kosi River and is one of the most famous temples of the Nainital district visited via lots of devotees at some point of Kartik Poornima.

97. Shitavani

The Seeta Bani Temple honours Devi Sita, Lord Rama’s consort. it’s miles believed that she entered into the lap of mom Earth here. each 12 months, a fair is held here during Ramanavami. it is placed at a distance of 20 km from Ramnagar.

98. Srinagar

Srinagar is the Largest town of Garhwal hills in Pauri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand at an average elevation of 560 meters (1,837 feet) above the sea level on the left bank of Alaknanda river. This ancient town functioned as the seat of the Garhwal monarchy until the arrival of the British. Taking Srinagar as his main city, King Ajay Pal established the Garhwal kingdom in the middle of the fourteenth century.

Many other tourist destinations can be found in the vicinity of Srinagar. Kalagarh Gate, Maletha, Baba Gorakhnath cave, Danda Nagraja temple, Durga Devi temple, Jwalpa Devi temple, Kandoliya temple, Bhim Pakora, Bhulla Lake, Kaleshwar Mahadev temple, and many more.

99. Kamaleshwar Temple:

It is again another ancient temple and one of the five Maheshwara Peeths in the Himalayas. The myth that floats here is that Ram came here to worship Lord Shiva with thousand flowers and when the flowers fell short he offered his eyes that’s why he known as “Kamal Nayan” which means lotus eyed. Additionally, it is said that during Vaikunth Chaturdashi, childless couples who pray to the Lord while holding lit lamps will have a child.

100. Kirtinagar

A small but beautiful town 4 kms from Srinagar town located at the banks of Alaknanda river. Garhwal Raja Kirti Shah established Kirtinagar on the Alaknanda River in 1894 in reaction to the neighbouring Old Srinagar being destroyed by water.

101. DevelGarh

Develgarh is located roughly 20 kilometres away from Srinagar. Here, you can visit the Lakshmi Narayan Temple, Gauri Devi Temple, and Rajeshwari Temple.

102. Laxman Jhula, Rishikesh

Laxman Jhula is 450 feet long an iron suspension bridge over river Ganga at the height of around 70 feet. This bridge is an important pilgrim attraction because devotees believe that Lakshman, the brother of Lord Rama, had once crossed the river with the help of a jute-rope bridge on the same spot.

One can also visit the famous Trayambakeshwar temple and Laxman temple, situated near to it. Apart from pilgrim attraction, Laxman Jhula architectural marvels offer scenic beauty.

103. Beatles Ashram, Rishikesh

The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ashram got globally acclaimed after Beatles visited this serene place in February 1968 to attend a session of Transcendental Meditation. The visit changed the world’s perspective toward Indian spirituality. This visit was also memorable for Beatles as they wrote various songs during this visit most of which gained huge media attention and commercial success. Its spiritual beauty will captivate you during a peaceful meditation session.

Despite its poor upkeep and lack of information, this peaceful retreat is nonetheless worthwhile to explore. The ashram is located in a beautiful spot within the Rajaji National Park with the river Ganga flowing quietly behind it. Entry charges are 150 Rs for Indians and 600 Rs for foreigners for 3 hours. Vehicle charge of 250 Rs for Indians and 500 Rs for foreigners.

104. Shivpuri, Rishikesh

Shivpuri is most famous as the hub of River Rafting and also known as Ganga beach. Shivpuri offers a surrounding to wake up with the birds twittering and fresh water of the river Ganga to swim. Shivpuri is starting point Whitewater River Rafting on Ganga in Rishikesh. Rafting from Shivpuri till Laxman Jhula is a 16 km rafting stretch and covers exciting rapids like Roller Coaster, golf course, clubhouse, well as pursuits like cliff jumping and body surfing.

Apart from Rafting, Shivpuri offers various opportunities for indulging in other sports activities like river rafting, rock climbing, cliff jumping, kayaking & rappelling etc. Camping in Shivpuri is also popular but it is too crowded especially on weekends.

Still camping in Rishikesh is a great idea and can be an experience of a lifetime but not recommended to those travelers who don’t like crowded environment. Shivpuri literally means the house of Lord Shiva. It has many Ashrams and Temples dedicated to Lord Shiva.

Shivpuri has a pleasant temperature throughout the year. March –June, and September – November are the best time for tourists to visit Shivpuri as the climate is comfortable. The maximum number of tourists visit Shivpuri in summer vacations during May. The highest temperature during summer is around 40°C.

Winter in Shivpuri is the best time for the solo traveler and peace lover. The lowest temperature during winter is around 10°C. Monsoon is from mid-June to mid-September normally not preferred to travel Shivpuri because of heavy rainfall Ganga water level is above than normal.

105. Ram Jhula, Rishikesh

Ram Jhula is an iron suspension bridge Positioned in Muni Ki Reti at Rishikesh across the river Ganges. This bridge was built in the year 1986 later than the similar bridge Laxman Jhula but this bridge is bigger than Lakshman Jhula. Many Hindu ashrams and temples are situated on both sides of the Bridge, most known is Geeta Bhavan & Swarg Ashram.

Ram Jhula Bridge is connecting Swarg Ashram and Shivananda ashram. A long walk on the bridge provides attractive views of snow-capped peaks, holy river Ganga, several temples and ashrams. The famous restaurant Chotiwala is also in Ramjhula which is 50 years old now and is very famous for its delicious servings, you will love the taste of food there.

106. Dehradun

Dehradun is the interim capital city of Uttarakhand situated at an altitude of 435 meters above the sea level. Dehradun is a gateway to some of the most popular hill stations like Mussoorie and pilgrimage spot of Haridwar and Rishikesh. Dehradun is in the Doon Valley on the foothills of the Himalayas between Ganga river and Yamuna river. This beautiful city has many tourist attraction places like Sahastradhara, Robber’s Cave, Malsi Deer Park, Tapkeshawar Temple etc.

The words “dera,” which means “home,” and “doon,” which means “valley that lies between the Himalayas and the Shivaliks,” are the source of the name Dehradun. Dehradun is also famous for Indian Military Academy, Forest Research Institute and the number of elite boarding schools it has like the Doon School.

Dehradun is actually referred to as the “school capital of India.”This city grows an abundance of the famous Basmati rice, which is then sold to other regions of the nation. Despite different businesses like schooling, agriculture, construction, etc, the city of Dehradun is still known for its calm and relaxing life where the weather is pleasant and the air is fresh.

Dehradun is all year tourist destination where summer is the most visitors season in which the temperature is between 19°C to 38°C. Monsoon is from July to September is preferred for natural beauty where you will get to enjoy the lush green landscapes. During Winters from December to January, the temperature is cold around 3°C to 20°C. Winter and Autumn which is from October to February are the best time for couples to visit pleasant and cool weather in Dehradun.

107. Robber’s Cave

In Dehradun suburbs, Robber’s Cave is popularly called Guchhipani or Guchu Pani. It provides a magnificent walk up the slopes and is surrounded by stunning scenery. One of the most excellent features of Robber’s Cave is that it has a waterfall which is about 10m high. Suddenly, the water in the cave surfaces and then disappears underground.

Several yards away, the water comes up again. The cave’s interior design is exquisite. It is also said that the cave got its name from the British after they found out that robbers kept stolen belongings in the cave. There are also stores near the cave where one may savour delectable snacks while taking in the breathtaking scenery.

108. Sahastradhara

Sahastradhara actually signifies ‘thousand-overlay spring’. It is a well known fascination, renowned for its happy magnificence and helpful incentive since its water contains Sulfur. While the place can be gone to whenever amid the year, you would love the enchanting excellence of the waterfall amid the blustery season when the stream proposes the presence of a spouting downpour. Sahastradhara is a standout amongst the most mainstream traveler goals in Uttarakhand and is set in the pleasant town of Dehradun.

The place displays genuine grand excellence, where water dribbles from limestone stalactites, influencing the water To sulfur rich and accordingly it is otherwise called Sulfur Springs. The water is new and sweet, and the region is a distribution center of the dazzling magnificence of holes, waterfalls and steppe cultivating by local people.

Sahastradhara is arranged at around 11 km from the city of Dehradun, close to the Robber’s Cave. The temperature of water here is a little lower than its environment. Its pleasant excellence draws in a great deal of explorers from faraway spots. One can even appreciate a shocking perspective of the environment while getting a charge out of a fun ropeway ride here. These ropeways give breezy outings to these lovely peaks.

109. Mindrolling Monastery

One of the six noteworthy religious communities of the Nyingma School in Tibet, the Mindrolling Monastery was set up in 1676 by Rigzin Terdak Lingpa which was re-set up in Dehradun by Khochhen Rinpoche alongside a gathering of priests in 1965. The religious community isn’t just a vacation spot yet, in addition, a goal where every day very nearly several people achieve the most profound sense of being.

Being an engineering magnum opus with a few areas, the religious community is no not as much as a ponder to take a gander at. Various wonderful greenery enclosures, expansive regions, and a stupa are altogether arranged inside the edge of the religious community. The Ngagyur Nyingma College is likewise present inside the premises offering propelled Buddhist examinations to priests who can pass on the learning to the up and coming ages.

The religious community is an unnatural marvel attributable to its patio nurseries, college complex and the tallest Stupa in Asia encompassed by greenery. It additionally has various place of worship rooms, Tibetan artistic expressions, and wall paintings. Nonetheless, what grabs the eye of each visitor is the nearness of the tall statue of Lord Buddha.

Arranged amidst the quiet lower regions of the Himalayas, the Mindrolling Monastery is one of the biggest Buddhist focuses in India which draws in a huge number of guests from everywhere throughout the nation and in addition abroad. This excellent place should be gone by on the off chance that you are arranging a trek to Dehradun.

110. Lacchiwalla

Lacchiwalla, a well-liked picnic spot, is well-known for its verdant, pristine landscape. It may be reached with a short drive from Dehradun. Both motels and charming cottages are available for your stay.



1. Jim Corbett National Park:

Jim Corbett National Park is the oldest National park of India, established in 1936, as the Hailey National Park.The park was renamed Jim Corbett National Park in 1956 to celebrate Jim Corbett, the hunter who became a well-known author and conservationist who was instrumental in the creation of this park. The Corbett National park is located in Nainital district of Uttarakhand and attracts huge amount of visitors each year.

The National park is located in the mountainous region of the Shivaliks and outer Himalayas and consists of mountains, grasslands, lake, river side beds and marshes. The Ramganga River flows from east to west of the park, creating a breathtaking site and an ideal place to spot animals. The Reserve currently covers 1318.54 square kilometres, of which 520 sq. km. are in its core and 797.72 sq. km. are in its buffer.

The buffer zone includes the Sonanadi Wildlife Sanctuary (301.18 sq. km.) and reserve forests (496.54 sq. km.) in addition to the Jim Corbett National Park, which is comprised of the core region. Jim Corbett National Park is a very famous national park and attracts thousands of tourists from across the globe. This tourism, however, has disturbed the natural habitat of the animal species living there.  The park is thus divided into the core area and buffer area.

Buffer area is the outer area where tourists can visit and the core area is the undisturbed area where no human activity is allowed. The government of India has started, what is called as eco tourism, a well structured guide that instructs tourists as well as locals as to how they can avoid damaging the environment and protect the park while travelling/living here.

2. Rajaji National Park:

In 1983, the three wildlife sanctuaries of Uttar Pradesh (now under Uttarakhand), Chila, Mothichur and Rajaji were merged together to form the Rajaji National Park. Named after the famous freedom fighter and the last Governor General of Independent India, C. Rajgopalachari (popularly known as Rajaji),

This National park is spread over three districts of Haridwar, Dehradun and Pauri Garhwal in Uttarakhand, India. The beginning of the great Indo-Gangetic Plain, on which the park is situated, has blessed it with a wide variety of flora and fauna. For this reason, nature lovers, wildlife conservationists and eco friends, all find it rewarding to visit Rajaji.

3. Valley of Flowers National Park:

Valley of flowers, a world heritage site and a national park, is an immensely beautiful Himalayan valley that gets carpeted with flowers as the spring enters. The Valley of flowers is a unique place, as it forms the transition between the Zaskar and Great Himalayas. The flora as well as fauna at Valley of flowers is unique and rare. Some rare and endangered animal species, including the Asiatic Black Bear, Snow Leopard, Brown Bear, Musk Deer, and Blue Sheep, call it home.

Here you can also find flowers that are celebrated, like cobra lilies, blue poppy, and brrahmakamal. Frank Smythe is credited with discovering the Valley of Flowers. Smythe was a British botanist and mountaineer who got lost and ended up here by accident. Later, he let the world see his discovery, with the publishing of his book titled, ‘The Valley of flowers’.  Ever since then, the place did not lose its attraction, as people of all ages are attracted to the enchanting Valley of flowers.

The locals, on the other hand, always knew about the Valley’s existence but did not dare to set foot in it because they believed that fairies live here. Valley of flowers is reachable only through a 17 kilometer long trek, which is taken from Gobindghat, a settle 17 kilometres from the valley. To reach Gobindghat, one can hire a taxi from Joshimath, the nearest important town in this area.

The valley is surrounded by the Pushpawati River Gorge, which enhances the area’s beauty. The valley is split in two by the river as well. From Gobindghat, a hike can be made to Ghangaria, a tiny village 3 km from the Valley. Ghangaria has accommodation facilities, so one can rest here and then take on the 3 kilometer long trek to see the Valley of flowers.

4. Nanda Devi National Park:

A world heritage site, the rugged mountainous land of Nandadevi, complementing the gentle beauty of the adjoining Valley of flowers, has inspired poets, adventurers, botanists, mountaineers and locals for centuries. Both Nandadevi and the Valley of flowers span over the transitional land of the Zanskar range and the great Himalayas. The Nandadevi National Park is a spectacularly diverse area, dominated by the Nandadevi Peak in the Chamoli District of Uttarakhand.

It is a difficult area to access and this is the reason why it holds its magnificent beauty intact. The forests are generally restricted to the Rishi Gorge and consist mainly of Birch, Fir and Rhododendron. There are also alpine meadows which recede near the core of the Sanctuary, as the Nandadevi Glacier closes in. The vegetation becomes Xeric in the ‘Inner Sanctuary’, mostly woody along the sides of the glacier.

These approximately 93 species of plants are used by locals for various purposes, including medicine, food plants, fodder, house building and religious purposes. Nandadevi is renowned for the abundance of its fauna which includes the Musk deer, mainland Serow, Himalayan Tahr, common leopard, black bear, brown bear and langur, the only primate existing here.

There were almost 113 species of birds belonging to 30 families were recorded here in 1993. These include the crested Black tit, yellow bellied fantail flycatcher, Indian tree pipit, Warblers, gresbreaks, rose finches etc.

5. Govind Wildlife Sanctuary:

Govind Wildlife Sanctuary or Govind Pashu Vihar Sanctuary was established on March 1, 1955 in the Uttarkashi District of Uttarakhand, India. It was here that The Government of India introduced its Snow Leopard Project for the first time. Geographically, it forms the upper catchment of the River Tons; the area serving as an important watershed for the River Yamuna.

Surrounded by various famous peaks like the Bandarpuch, Black Peak and Swargrohini etc, The Govind Wildlife Sanctuary is very famous amongst adventurers and trekkers. The entire Sanctuary receives light to heavy snowfall during the winter months. The Govind Wildlife sanctuary is adorned with medicinal plants, some of which are used in making life saving drugs.

The area is surrounded by contiguous forests like Western Himalayan Broadleaf Forests in the lowest elevations, which transition into Western Himalayan Subalpine Conifer Forests, which in turn make way for the western Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows as the elevation increases. The sanctuary contains around 15 species of mammals including the Snow leopard, Black Bear, Common leopard, Musk Deer, Bharal, Serow etc. The aerial species include: Bearded Vulture, snow cock, steppe eagle and the black eagle.

6. Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary:

Kedarnath sanctuary is situated in Chamoli district. The approach road starts from Haridwar – Rudraprayag and then leads to Sitapur which is 226 km. away. Among the wildlife are the monal pheasant, sambhar, bharal, crow, snow leopard, black and brown Himalayan bears, musk deer, and panthers.

The months of April through June and September through November are the ideal times to go. A forest hut is available at Madhyamaheshwar and reservation can be done through the DFO, Kedarnath Forest Division, Gopeshwar. Trijuginarayan, Gaurikund, Kedarnath, and a guest home in Sitampur (Temple Committee) are more locations offering Dharamshala.

7. Assan Barrage Bird Sanctuary:

Constructed in 1967 at the junction of the Yamuna and Asan rivers through the Dhalipur power house, the Asan barrage, also called Dhalipur lake, gave rise to the lake. Asan Barrage is famous for bird watching. It has been said that “birds could exists without man but that man would perish without birds” .

Every one enjoys birds, the beauty of their forms and  coloring,  the  vivacity  of   their movements,   the  buoyancy  of  their flights and sweet- ness of their songs. It is precisely on this account that as a pursuit for the out – of – doors, bird watching stands in a class by it self and birding is the second most popular hobby in the world.

Nineteen of the 53 species of water birds that visit the Asan Reservoir are winter migrants from Eurasia. During winter months 90% of the waterbird population comprises the following 11 migratory species, namely- Brahminy Duck, Pintail, Red Crested Pochard, Gadwall, Common Pochard, Mallard, Coot, Wigeon, Common Teal, Tufted Duck, Shoveller.

Situated 40 km west of Dehradun, in the western part of the Dehradun valley along the Dehradun-Paonta road, lies the Asan Reservoir, a tiny artificial wetland of approximately 4 square kilometres. Geographically it is situated between latitude 30o 24’-30o 28’ N and longitude 77o 40’-77o 44’ E, near the confluence of the rivers Asan and Yamuna. With a minimum water level of 402.4 metres and a maximum water level of 403.3 metres above sea level, the barrage spans 287.5 metres along a river bed that is 389.4 metres above sea level.

8. Askot Sanctuary :

Pithoragarh is located 54 km away from the Askot sanctuary. Askot, the former Katyuri kingdom, is home to the last Katyuri king’s palace. Asi-kot, or eighty forts, is where the name Askot originates. All over the place are the remnants of the old forts. Rich waterfalls and forests of sal, oak, and pine can be found in the area. The `Swami Narayan Ashram` and the `Malika Arjun temple` are two significant assets that have been preserved here.

The charming hilly sections of the Askot Sanctuary, along with the houses encircled by greenery, enhance its already breathtaking beauty. At 1,650 metres above sea level, Askot is perched in the shadow of the Kumaon Himalayas and offers views of snow-capped mountain peaks. Snow leopards, Himalayan black bears, musk deers, snow cocks, tahrs, bharals, monals, chirs, koklas, pheasants, and chukors are among the sanctuary’s points of interest.

9. Binsar Sanctuary, uttarakhand :

Binsar was the summer capital of the Chand kings. It is located at a distance of 31 km from Amoral. Binsar is famous for its excellent Himalayan scenery, birds and wildlife. Binsar is one of the most attractive places in the Kumaon Himalayas and a famous hill resort with a lot of wildlife. Binsar hills are also known as Handi Deer. It has an elevation of 2,310 metres and offers an excellent view of Almora town, the Kumaon hills and the greater Himalayas.

The surrounding areas are rich in species of alpine flora, ferns, hanging mosses and wild flowers. The highlight of Binsar is the spectacular view of the Himalayas – a 300 km stretch of famous peaks, including Kedarnath, Chaukhamba, Trishul, Nanda Devi, Nanda Kot and Panchachuli. The Himalayan oak and rhododendron forests are excellent for trekking and connecting with nature.

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